Sunday, May 11, 2008

Latest Fashion Trends for 2008

2008 fashion colour is cheerful without being tawdry. The soft tones of sugar almond tints offer mellow contrasts to neon bright colours. Lemon, yellow and gold are colour trends that bring a glow of bright light to everything, especially to bags and footwear. The fashion Pantone's trendsetter tones for Spring Summer 2008 are clear and bright. Nautical and traditional looks offer navy, red and white as combinations ideally suited for both work and casual wear. The optical effects of these new arrangements of stripes and spots all add a classic edge.
For those who like understated looks, and are less fond of bright colours, then fashionable subdued colour schemes are for you. Black with white frequently adds a groomed and ladylike touch that exudes style and sophistication. Ecru, browns and olives are dominant colours for safari down-dressing and tribal looks. You are reading an original fashion article by Pauline Weston Thomas at Credit to:
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